

  • A Direct Seller is an independent business owner affiliated with Oro Rx Healthcare LLP who markets and sells the company's healthcare products directly to consumers.
  • Direct Sellers are responsible for:
  • Promoting Oro Rx Healthcare LLP's products ethically and honestly.
  • Providing accurate product information to customers.
  • Complying with all relevant laws and regulations.
  • Upholding the principles of fairness and transparency in business transactions.
  • Direct Sellers are prohibited from engaging in the following activities:
  • Making false, misleading, or exaggerated claims about Oro Rx Healthcare LLP's products.
  • Using misleading social media posts to promote products.
  • Engaging in unauthorized campaigns in WhatsApp groups.
  • Collecting cash from customers, as the company promotes cashless transactions.
  • You can promote products ethically on social media by:
  • Providing accurate information about products.
  • Avoiding false claims or exaggerated promises.
  • Clearly stating your affiliation with Oro Rx Healthcare LLP in your posts.
  • Encouraging customers to reach out to you for inquiries instead of sharing sensitive information online.
  • Yes, you can create WhatsApp groups, but you must ensure that the content shared in these groups adheres to the company's ethical guidelines and the Direct Selling Rules 2021. Avoid unauthorized campaigns and false claims.
  • No, Oro Rx Healthcare LLP promotes cashless transactions. You should encourage customers to make payments through digital channels or other approved methods.
  • Direct Sellers should address customer complaints promptly and professionally. Oro Rx Healthcare LLP has a return and refund policy in place for managing product returns. Ensure you are familiar with and follow these procedures.
  • If you observe non-compliant practices by other Direct Sellers, it is your responsibility to report this to Oro Rx Healthcare LLP's compliance department or the appropriate regulatory authority. Ethical business practices are essential for the reputation of the company and the industry.
  • Engaging in multiple direct selling businesses is generally discouraged, as it can lead to conflicts of interest. It's advisable to focus on your Oro Rx Healthcare LLP business to ensure success and ethical conduct.
  • To conduct your business ethically and legally, always:
  • Adhere to the Direct Selling Rules 2021 and the Consumer Protection Act 2019.
  • Provide truthful and accurate information about products.
  • Be transparent in your dealings with customers.
  • Stay informed about Oro Rx Healthcare LLP's policies and guidelines.
  • Seek guidance from the company's compliance department when in doubt.

Remember that ethical and legal business practices not only protect consumers but also contribute to your long-term success as a Direct Seller with Oro Rx Healthcare LLP.