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Blog posts of ''2024'' ''June''

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has issued a global warning about
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has issued a global warning about
AI ‘healthcare revolution’ already under way, Nvidia says
Healthcare is probably the most impactful utility of generative AI that there will be,” Powell said during Nvidia’s AI Summit, held on the sidelines of the Computex expo in Taipei. Powell said AI is already making its mark in the field of developing and testing new drugs, which can take up to 15 years and cost up to $2bn under current timeframes. “We care about fast and fast means in this industry, that we’ll be able to do more, and we know that drug discovery is essentially an infinite problem. You’re looking at a chemical space and 10 to the 60th power potential chemical compounds,” Powell said. “This is essentially an infinite compute. Probably, the only way to intelligently search that space is through generative data.” Powell said AI could be used for modelling to help researchers understand how the body might interact with new chemical compounds, which could help reduce the prevailing 90 percent failure rate of most drugs in clinical trials. “With generative AI, we’re going to be able to not only generate more ideas and predict with better accuracy, but we’re also going to be able to model biology in new and exciting ways so that when we put a new chemical entity into the clinic, we have a higher success rate,”
ICMR Guidelines On The Right Way To Consume Tea Or Coffee
While ICMR has had its share of inaccuracies, their guidelines on tea and coffee consumption are spot on. These beverages do create a physiological dependence. The popular black tea we commonly consume contains caffeine, which multiple studies have shown to be detrimental to our bodies. Transitioning to herbal teas like chamomile, rose, dandelion root, jasmine, and hibiscus can be immensely beneficial since they lack caffeine. For instance, chamomile tea has a calming effect on the nerves, while hibiscus tea promotes hair health. Mugdha Pradhan, functional nutritionist, CEO & Founder, iThrive, says, “Herbal teas with organic components can also aid in digestion and alleviate issues like gas and bloating, thanks to their bioactive compounds. It’s crucial to understand both the quantity and quality of what we consume." For example, turmeric is renowned for its medicinal properties due to curcumin, but excessive intake can lead to liver toxicity. Similarly, relying on regular tea to kickstart your day is a sign of caffeine dependency, which impairs adrenal function and disrupts cortisol production. Drinking tea late at night can interfere with your sleep cycle.